Referat meningitis tb pdf

Pada makalah ini, kami akan membahas beberapa metode. Meningitis and meningitis vaccine information when and for how long is an infected person able to spread the disease. The bacteria spread to the brain and spine from another place in the body, usually the lung. Varicella zoster virus centers for disease control and. Meningitis is an unusual manifestation of blastomycosis and can be very difficult to diagnose. It develops as an early or late complication of primary infection. Bacterial meningitis is very serious because its onset is rapid and the infection is associated with a significant risk of death. Characteristic cerebrospinal fluid csf findings of tbm include a lymphocyticpredominant pleiocytosis, elevated protein, and low glucose. In persons who develop tbm, bacilli seed to the meninges or brain parenchyma, resulting in the formation of small subpial or. Journal reading tuberculous meningitis free download as powerpoint presentation. Some children with meningitis may have longterm problems, but this depends on the cause of the infection and the age of the child. Characteristic cerebrospinal fluid csf findings of tbm include a lymphocyticpredominant pleiocytosis, elevated protein, and low.

There are various types of meningococcal meningitis, which are named with letters of the alphabet, for example, meningitis a. Rarer types of meningitis include chemical and fungal meningitis. Meningococcal meningitis is caused by the bacteria neisseria meningitidis, and. Tuberculous meningitis tbm is the most severe form of infection caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis, causing death or disability in more than half of those affected. Practice guidelines for the management of bacterial meningitis. The following list of medications are in some way related to, or used in the treatment of this condition. Penatalaksanaan yang tepat pada meningitis tuberkulosis prompt. The aim of this study is to assess the current epidemiology, clinical features, diagnostic procedures, treatment and outcome in patients with tuberculous meningitis in denmark, a country with a low tuberculosis incidence. Tuberculous meningitis is a bacterial infection of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord meninges, caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. A long course one year of medications is recommended for children who develop tb meningitis. Tuberculous involvement of the brain and spinal cord are common neurological disorders in developing countries and have recently shown a resurgence in developed ones. This prospective hospitalbased study was conducted from may 2000 to august 2003.

Risk factors tb and tb meningitis can develop in children and adults of all ages. Most children with viral meningitis recover completely. Tuberculous tb meningitis is the most severe manifestation of tb infection, leaving up to 50% of patients dead or neurologically disabled. Tuberculous meningitis is the most severe form of tb, difficult to diagnose and treat, and with a grim prognosis. Meningitis wikipedia bahasa indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas. Unduh sebagai doc, pdf, txt atau baca online dari scribd. Tuberculous meningitis tbm can occur as the sole manifestation of tb or concurrent with pulmonary or other extrapulmonary sites of infection. Professor guy thwaites is the director of oxford university clinical research unit oucru, vietnam.

Tuberculous meningitis is an important manifestation and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. It is a little difficult to be absolutely sure but there are around 9 million people a year who get tb and tuberculous meningitis is the most severe form of it about 1% get it. Inquire about the patients medical and social history, including recent contact with patients with tuberculosis tb. Tuberculosis of the central nervous system postgraduate. Early recognition of tuberculous meningitis is of importance as the clinical outcome depends greatly upon the stage at which therapy is initiated.

Tuberculosis tb is a disease which has been affecting humanity since archaic ages. The most common types of bacterial meningitis are meningococcal, pneumococcal, tb, group b streptococcal and li. Localized infection escalates within the lungs, with dissemination to the regional lymph nodes. Dec 07, 2017 tuberculous meningitis tbm develops in 2 steps. Pdf abstrak meningitis tuberkulosis mtb merupakan bentuk infeksi berat. Ketiganya sering ditemukan di negara endemis tb, dengan kasus terbanyak berupa meningitis tuberkulosis. Diagnosis is based on clinical features, cerebrospinal fluid changes, and imaging characteristics. Meningitis tb merupakan salah satu komplikasi tb primer. He is trying to improve outcomes for patients with tuberculous meningitis, the most severe form of tuberculosis. List of tuberculous meningitis medications 7 compared. Viral meningitis is the most common type of meningitis, followed by bacterial meningitis. Diagnosis, initial management, and prevention of meningitis.

Tuberculous meningitis an overview sciencedirect topics. Di amerika serikat yang bukan merupakan negara endemis tuberkulosis, meningitis tuberkulosis meliputi 1% dari semua kasus tuberkulosis nastiti n. Morbiditas dan mortalitas penyakit ini tinggi dan prognosisnya buruk. Meningitis is usually caused by viruses or bacteria. Meningeal tuberculosis is also known as tubercular meningitis or tb meningitis. Whitley7 1drexel university college of medicine, philadelphia, pennsylvania. Ada banyak jenis penyakit meningitis salah satunya adalah meningitis tb yang disebabkan oleh bakteri mycobacterium tuberculosis. Meningitis is a severe infection of the meninges the thin lining which covers the brain and spinal cord. To identify factors associated with hivinfected status in children admitted with tuberculous meningitis tbm, and to find out whether hiv coinfection affects inhospital outcome.

Current treatment is similar to treatment of lung tb, although penetration of some antibiotics into the brain is poor and the immunepathology of tb meningitis is very different from pulmonary tb. Characteristic cerebrospinal fluid csf findings of tbm include. Tb meningitis free download as powerpoint presentation. Practice guidelines for bacterial meningitis cid 2004.

Prednisone is no longer recommended for the treatment of tb pericarditis. Viral meningitis is the most common form of meningitis and is caused by an infection with one of several types of viruses. Fransiska lumempouwkoedoeboen 1261050302 kepaniteraan ilmu penyakit saraf periode juni 2016 23 juli 2016 fakultas kedokteran universitas kristen indonesia jakarta referat. Tbm is typically a subacute disease with symptoms that.

Tuberculous meningitis tbm is difficult to diagnose, and a high index of suspicion is needed to make an early diagnosis. While the viral illness may be contagious, the meningitis is not. Tuberculous meningitis is the most severe manifestation of extrapulmonary tuberculosis with a high mortality rate and a high rate of sequelae among survivors. An intravenous antifungal medication may be administered to the child with fungal meningitis. Tuberculous meningitis tbm is the most common form of central nervous system tuberculosis tb and has very high morbidity and mortality. Intensified antibiotic treatment for tuberculous meningitis. Centers for disease control cdc melaporkan pada tahun 1990 morbiditas meningitis tb 6,2% dari seluruh kasus tb ekstrapulmonal. Depending on their anatomical location the adhesions may result in hydrocephalus. Dec 07, 2017 tuberculous meningitis tbm is difficult to diagnose, and a high index of suspicion is needed to make an early diagnosis. The most common cause of meningitis is a viral illness which spread to involve the meninges. Rifampicin explorative pk study for tuberculous meningitis. All consecutive children, aged 1 month to 12 years of age, admitted with a. Tbm is typically a subacute disease with symptoms that may persist for weeks before diagnosis.

Unduh sebagai docx, pdf, txt atau baca online dari scribd. Most children with viral meningitis recover on their own without treatment. While best known as a cause of meningitis, it can also result in sepsis, which is an even more damaging and dangerous condition. Komplikasi meningitis tb terjadi setiap 300 kasus tb primer yang tidak diobati. Tuberculous meningitis is mycobacterium tuberculosis infection of the meninges the system of membranes which envelop the central nervous system. Although the incidence of tuberculous meningitis tbm is low in highincome countries, it remains one of the most severe and eventually fatal infectious conditions especially in times of increasing use of. Tuberculous meningitis and intracranial tuberculoma are the most common manifestations of central nervous system tb, and usually result from prior haematogenous dissemination to the subependymal or subpial regions referred to as rich foci. A person may transmit the disease from 3 days after heshe is infected until the bacteria is no longer present in discharges from the nose and mouth, which is generally about 10 days after developing symptoms. Another cause of meningitis is a bacterial infection called meningococcal meningitis. Although tuberculous meningitis tbm is the least commonly observed form of extrapulmonary tb 515%, it is the most severe form in terms of mortality and morbidity.

It has a high mortality rate if untreated but is vaccinepreventable. Adults accounted for only 5% of reported cases of varicella but approximately 35%. The peripheral white blood cell count alone is not help. In general, meningitis due to bacteria bacterial meningitis is more severe than meningitis caused by viruses viral meningitis. Manifestasi klinis meningitis tuberkulosis sama seperti tanda dan gejala meningitis lainnya, seperti nyeri kepala, demam dan kaku kuduk, dengan atau tanpa. Meningitis tuberkulosis merupakan peradangan pada selaput otak. Tuberculous meningitis is also known as tb meningitis or tubercular meningitis. Cryptococcus cryptococcal meningitis it is thought to be acquired through inhalation of soil contaminated with bird droppings. Departemen ilmu penyakit saraf fakultas kedokteran universitas kristen indonesia jl. Tuberculous meningitis accounts for about 1% of all cases of tb and 5% of all extrapulmonary disease in immunocompetent individuals. Sometimes funguses, cancers, head injuries or other factors can cause meningitis, but cases from these sources are rare.

How many people does tuberculous meningitis affect. It is not known why one person gets meningitis when others exposed to the same germs do not get as sick, or dont get sick at all. Meningitis atau radang selaput otak adalah radang pada membran yang menyelubungi otak dan sumsum tulang belakang, yang secara kesatuan disebut meningen. You get it when a virus enters the body through the nose or mouth and travels to the brain. Tb meningitis tuberculous meningitis can display symptoms such as aches and pains, loss of appetite and tiredness, with a persistent headache, there are around 150 200 cases of tb meningitis reported each year in the uk. Tuberculosis tb of the central nervous system is the most severe manifestation of extrapulmonary tb and constitutes approximately 1% of all new cases annually. Dibawah protokol ini, pasien dengan gcs dibawah 15 atau yang mendapat defisit neurologis fokal. Diagnosis is based on clinical features, cerebrospinal fluid changes, and imaging.

Researchers from the netherlands have conducted the first study globally to show that intensified antibiotic treatment can improve the prognosis of patients with tuberculous tb meningitis, the. Tuberculous meningitis is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. Meningococcal disease describes infections caused by the bacterium neisseria meningitidis also termed meningococcus. In general, meningitis caused by a virus is less serious than meningitis caused by bacteria. Tuberculous meningitis is an infection of the tissues covering the brain and spinal cord meninges. Pasien hiv aids dengan meningitis tb, meningitis bakteri, biasanya mengeluh adanya sefalgia, febris, hemiparesis,penurunan kesadaran, adanya kejang. Meningitis is an infection of the meninges, the membrane covering the brain. P d tb paru dengan hemoptisis meningitis tb th oat rhze rimstar 1x3 tab dexametasone 3x1amp. Isoniazidmonoresistant tb should be treated with 6 months of rifampin, pyrazinamide, ethambutol, and either levofloxacin or moxifloxacin. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacilli enter the host by droplet inhalation. It can be treated with appropriate antibiotics that also prevents spread. Radang dapat disebabkan oleh infeksi oleh virus, bakteri, atau juga mikroorganisme lain, dan walaupun jarang dapat disebabkan oleh obat tertentu.

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